Course overview, review, and job decriptions

In this last post, I wrote a course overview that summarizes all of the labs that we performed this semester. I categorized the labs into a handful of common categories, and discussed some of the pros and cons as well as what could be changed to enhance the experience. I wrote a brief reflection on the overall course, and finally put together a table that compares a few security jobs and what their brief job description is and what are some of the skills that are required for those positions.
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IST 894 Term Project

In our semester long project we developed a hands-on lab. For our lab, we decided to look at log collection, aggregation, and analysis. We have step-by-step instructions that show how to install Elasticsearch and Kibana, and then ingest a sample authentication log file and finally how to generate some useful visualizations from that log file.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 12

In our final individual lab, we analyze a Windows Memory image using Volatility.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 11

In lab 11, we do some forensic analysis on a Windows Registry image using RegRipper.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 10

In this weeks lab, we discuss different network reconnaissance techniques by using whois, nslookup, dig, and nmap.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 9

In this week’s lab we take another look at symmetric and asymmetric encryption examples with ccrypt and GPG.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 8

Web Application Security: SQL Injection Attacks In this lab we walk through the sql injection exercise on the Damn Vulnerable Web Application in low, and medium and as a bonus I did the high security level as well.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 7

This lab focuses on network forensics. We analyze a packet capture to retrieve HTTP requests, and websites visited as well as identify a few emails that were sent and carve our an image attachment from one of the emails.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 6

This week we use msfvenom to tailor an exploit with a payload to target a vulnerable Windows 7 box and establish a reverse shell in Metasploit.
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Cyber Range Lab Assignment 5

In this lab we use nmap to find open ports on a vulnerable Windows machine, and then use Metasploit to identify a module to target the open port/service to DoS the box.
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